Celebrating Adele Dixon's 10th anniversary at wine.co.za!

We are blessed at wine.co.za to have many staff who have been with us for many years!  Adele is our financial rock, our CBC (Chief Bean Counter) - she does our books, invoicing, cash flow management, financial reporting, statements, admin, (the list is endless) and without her wine.co.za really would not be where it is today!

We celebrated the 10 years of Adele's great service with a delightful Mad-Hatters Tea Party - in fact the first time I drank bubbly from a lovely vintage cup!  Our team put in lots of effort making cards, cakes, decoration, dressing up and we had a lot of fun putting it all together.

Thank you to our wonderful Adele for all the dedication, loyalty, accuracy, reliability, generosity, sensitivity, caring, attention to detail, salary payments, statutory compliance, admin, and plenty more which she gives so much of to all of us at wine.co.za

Thank you Adele!