La Vierge tweet-up Cape Town team

On 30 June 2011 La Vierge and arranged an intercontinental, two countries and four cities tweet-up event. These are the images from the Cape Town team: Carla van der Merwe (@carla_wino), Dusan Jelic (@winecoza) and (@StefanLuka), Lize Kay (@lizetheunicorn), Ingrid Biesheuvel (@kungfukittypow), Karen Glanfield (@kgbwine), Hennie Coetzee (@batonage), Maggie Mostart (@Blackdelilah), Melissa Chetty (@Merlot_Girl), Alexandra McFarlane (@NebbioloNymph) and Ishay Govender-Ypma (@Foodandthefab).