Chenin, Chenin & more Chenin from the Breedekloof Makers #soundsofchenin

The recent Breedekloof Makers of Chenin event at Homage on Loop Street was really refreshing, with the focus being on music! 
Each winemaker had chosen a song to represent their wine - and we were delighted by their choices.  The guests at the event were given name tags, but we could choose musicians names who we thought suited us - so I became Taylor Swift and Jeanri-Tine was Olivia Newton-John! It made things a little confusing to know who was who!

It was a fun event with a really beautiful & delicious buffet - highly recommended.  And the Chenins were not half-bad either!  But I was, however, surprised to find at the recent Standard Bank Top 10 Chenin Awards that not one of them had made it to the Top 10.